top score subway surfers


At the moment, the highest score in Subway Surfers is 2,000,001,660 and the player holding the record is Karim Mayur. Coming in second is Ruhanul Islam , with a record high score of 1,706,059,214 points, and in the third position is Alexandre Pereira , with a whopping 1,000,000,946 points.

The current top score in Subway Surfers is 2,147,483,647 points and will not be beaten. (Picture: Kiloo) To reach the pinnacle of Subway Surfers scores, players need to surpass the million points mark by a fair amount, a factor of a thousand to be exact, as the current record holders are all in the billions, yes, with a capital ...

Miss Maia and Amira Subway Surfers: 31,638,020 None 14 A. E. T. Gaming: 31,403,648 None 15 파란 장미: 30,164,035 None 16 Mike889: 30,079,780 None 17 JPatchZ: 29,672,689 None 18 MakTheGeth: 28,636,235 None 19 698126: 26,413,590 None 20 Marco Masri: 25,564,046 None 21 Kurtcebe: 22,196,230 None 22 Mr.king2201: 22,041,255 None 23 Patryckpo ...

Subway Surfers High Score Tips Achieving a high score playing Subway Surfers takes speed, timing and the ability to dodge the Inspector and his guard dog. Players can achieve 1,000,000 points, or even as high as 5,000,000, just by successfully avoiding obstacles, using the right items and picking up upgrades along the way to help increase their ...

Reeves recently took to social media to announce that he's currently the No. 1 ranked Subway Surfers player with an impressive score. He has taken the Champion spot in the mobile game with 6,502, 078 as his new high score. Anyone who's spent enough time as the teen anarchist in the game would know, this is truly a remarkable score.

5.5K. Share. Save. 638K views 1 year ago. This is the new video of my New High Score 2,138,410,624 points in Subway Surfers. It took me more than 150 playing hours within 37 days for me to...

Here are the top three world record holders for Subway Surfers: Harshal Gavali - 2,147,483,647 points. Karim Mayur - 2,000,001,660 points. Ruhanul I - 1,706,059,214 points. Related | How to Unlock Fresh in Subway Surfers - Guide. These scores have been at the top of the list for years now.

Increasing your score multiplier is the most effective way to get a high score in Subway Surfers. During each run, you start with an x1 score multiplier that increases up to x30—which means you can multiply your final high score up to thirty times its original value.

*Level 200 of the Bali season hunt. Subway Surfers Score Boosters: How to get Score boosters. Score boosters are vital to achieving a competitive high score. This is because you can travel the same distance but only get a fraction of the points without a score multiplier.

Subway Surfers' best-ever-achieved score of 2,147,483,647 points is an unbeaten record. Here's why it can't be surpassed: The game's score is stored in a system called int32, which can only handle values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 points. According to Wikipedia, exceeding this limit would result in a negative number.

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